Rethinking Storage OKRs for AI Data Infrastructure – Part 2

[ Preamble: This analysis focuses on my own journey as I incorporate my experiences into this new market segment called AI Data Infrastructure. There are many elements of HPC (High Performance Computing) at play here. Even though things such as speeds and feeds, features and functions crowd many conversations, as many enterprise storage vendors do, these conversations, in my opinion, are secondary. There are more vital and important operational technology and technical elements that an organization has to consider prudently. They involve asking the hard questions beyond the marketing hype and fluff. I call these elements of consideration Storage Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) for AI Data Infrastructure.

I had to break this blog into 2 parts. It has become TL;DR-ish. This is Part 2 ]

This is a continuation from Part 1 of my blog last week. I spoke about the 4 key OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) we look at from the storage point-of-view with regards to AI data infrastructure. To recap, they are:

  • Reliability
  • Speed
  • Power Efficiency
  • Security

Power Efficiency

Patrick Kennedy of ServeTheHome (STH) fame, astutely explained the new generation of data center racks required by NVIDIA® and AMD® in his article “Here is how much Power we expect AMD® and NVIDIA® racks will need in 2027” 2 weeks ago. Today, the NVIDIA® GB200 NVL72 ORv3 rack design takes up 120kW per rack. That’s an insane amount of power consumption that can only go up in the next 2-3 years. That is why power efficiency must be an OKR metric to be deeply evaluated.

When you operate a GPU compute farm, whether it is 8 GPUs or 16,384 GPUs, keep operations tight is vital to ensure that maximum power efficiency is right up there with the rest of the operational OKRs. The element of power consumption becomes a cost factor in the data infrastructure design for AI.

2 very important units of measurements I would look into, and that have become valuable OKRs to achieve are Performance per Watt (Performance/Watt) and Performance per Rack Unit (Performance/RU).

Power Efficiency in Data Center is a Must.

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Rethinking Storage OKRs for AI Data Infrastructure – Part 1

[ Preamble: This analysis focuses on my own journey as I incorporate my past experiences into this new market segment called AI Data Infrastructure, and gaining new ones.

There are many elements of HPC (High Performance Computing) at play here. Even though things such as speeds and feeds, features and functions crowd many conversations, as many enterprise storage vendors like to do, these conversations, in my opinion, are secondary. There are more vital and important operational technology and technical elements that an organization has to consider prudently, vis-a-vis to ROIs (returns of investments). They involve asking the hard questions beyond the marketing hype and fluff. I call these elements of consideration Storage Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) for AI Data Infrastructure.

I had to break this blog into 2 parts. It has become TL;DR-ish. This is Part 1 ]

I have just passed my 6-month anniversary with DDN. Coming into the High Performance Storage System (HPSS) market segment, with the strong focus on the distributed parallel filesystem of Lustre®, there was a high learning curve for me. I spend over 3 decades in Enterprise Storage, with some of the highest level of storage technologies there were in that market segment. And I have already developed my own approach to enterprise storage, based on the A.P.P.A.R.M.S.C.. That was already developed and honed from 25 years ago.

The rapid adoption of AI has created a technology paradigm shift. Artificial Intelligence (AI) came in and blurred many lines. It also has been evolving my thinking when it comes to storage for AI. There is also a paradigm shift in my thoughts, opinions and experiences as well.

AI has brought HPSS technologies like Lustre® in DDN EXAscaler platform , proven in the Supercomputing world, to a new realm – the AI Data Infrastructure market segment. On the other side, many enterprise storage vendors aspire to be a supplier to the AI Data Infrastructure opportunities as well. This convergence from the top storage performers for Supercomputing, in the likes of DDN, IBM® (through Storage Scale), HPE® (through Cray, which by-the-way often uses the open-source Lustre® edition in its storage portfolio), from the software-defined storage players in Weka IO, Vast Data, MinIO, and from the enterprise storage array vendors such as NetApp®, Pure Storage®, and Dell®.

[ Note that I take care not to name every storage vendor for AI because many either do OEMs or repacking and rebranding of SDS technology into their gear such as HPE® GreenLake for Files and Hitachi® IQ. You can Google to find out who the original vendors are for each respectively. There are others as well. ]

In these 3 simplified categories (HPSS, SDS, Enterprise Storage Array), I have begun to see a pattern of each calling its technology as an “AI Data Infrastructure”. At the same time, I am also developing a new set of storage conversations for the AI Data Infrastructure market segment, one that is based on OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) rather than just features, features and more features that many SDS and enterprise storage vendors like to tout. Here are a few thoughts that we should look for when end users are considering a high-speed storage solution for their AI journey.

AI Data Infrastructure

GPU is king

In the AI world, the GPU infrastructure is the deity at the altar. The utilization rate of the GPUs is kept at the highest to get the maximum compute infrastructure return-on-investment (ROI). Keeping the GPUs resolutely busy is a must. HPSS is very much part of that ecosystem.

These are a few OKRs I would consider the storage or data infrastructure for AI.

  • Reliability
  • Speed
  • Power Efficiency
  • Security

Let’s look at each one of them from the point of view of a storage practitioner like me.

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AI and the Data Factory

When I first heard of the word “AI Factory”, the world was blaring Jensen Huang‘s keynote at NVIDIA GTC24. I thought those were cool words, since he mentioned about the raw material of water going into the factory to produce electricity. The analogy was spot on for the AI we are building.

As I engage with many DDN partners and end users in the region, week in, week out, the “AI Factory” word keeps popping into conversations. Yet, many still do not know how to go about building this “AI Factory”. They only know they need to buy GPUs, lots of them. These companies’ AI ambitions are unabated. And IDC predicts that worldwide spending on AI will double by 2028, and yet, the ROI (returns on investment) remains elusive.

At the ground level, based on many conversations so far, the common theme is, the steps to begin building the AI Factory are ambiguous and fuzzy to most. I like to share my views from a data storage point of view. Hence, my take on the Data Factory for AI.

Are you AI-ready?

We have to have a plan but before we take the first step, we must look at where we are standing at the present moment. We know that to train AI, the proverbial step is, we need lots of data. Deep Learning (DL) works with Large Language Models (LLMs), and Generative AI (GenAI), needs tons of data.

If the company knows where they are, they will know which phase is next. So, in the AI Maturity Model (I simplified the diagram below), where is your company now? Are you AI-ready?

Simplified AI Maturity Model

Get the Data Strategy Right

In his interview with CRN, MinIO’s CEO AB Periasamy quoted “For generative AI, they realized that buying more GPUs without a coherent data strategy meant GPUs are going to idle out”. I was struck by his wisdom about having a coherent data strategy because that is absolutely true. This is my starting point. Having the Right Data Strategy.

In the AI world, from a data storage guy, data is the fuel. Data is the raw material that Jensen alluded to, if it was obvious. We have heard this anecdotal quote many times before, even before the AI phenomenon took over. AI is data-driven. Data is vital for the ROI of AI projects. And thus, we must look from the point of the data to make the AI Factory successful.

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Accelerated Data Paths of High Performance Storage is the Cornerstone of building AI

It has been 2 months into my new role at DDN as a Solutions Architect. With many revolving doors around me, I have been trying to find the essence, the critical cog of the data infrastructure that supports the accelerated computing of the Nvidia GPU clusters. The more I read and engage, a pattern emerged. I found that cog in the supercharged data paths between the storage infrastructure systems and the GPU clusters. I will share more.

To set the context, let me start with a wonderful article I read in back in July 2024. It was titled “Storage: The unsung hero of AI deployments“. It was music to my ears because as a long-time practitioner in the storage technology industry, it is time the storage industry gets its credit it deserves.

What is the data path?

To put it simply, a Data Path, from a storage context, is the communication route taken by the data bits between the compute system’s processing and program memory and the storage subsystem. The links and the established sessions can be within the system components such as the PCIe bus or external to the system through the shared networking infrastructure.

High speed accelerated data paths

In the world of accelerated computing such as AI and HPC, there are additional, more advanced technologies to create even faster delivery of the data bits. This is the accelerated data paths between the compute nodes and the storage subsystems. Following on, I share a few of these technologies that are lesser used in the enterprise storage segment.

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