The AI Platformization of Storage – The Data Intelligence Platform

The IT industry uses the word “platform” all the time. Often, I find myself shifting between the many jargons circling “platform”, loosely. I am pretty sure many others are doing so as well.

I finally found the word “platformization” giving right vibes in a meaningful way in February last year, when Palo Alto Networks pivoted to platformization. Their stock tumbled that day. Despite the ambiguous definition “platformization” when Palo Alto Networks (PANW) mentioned it, I understood their strategy.

Defence-in-Depth in cybersecurity wasn’t exactly working for many organizations. Cybersecurity point solutions peppered the landscape. There were so many leaks and gaps. Platformization, from the PANW‘s point-of-view, is the reverse C&C (command & control), if you know the cybersecurity speak. PANW wants to take charge all the way for all things cybersecurity, and it made sense to me from a data perspective.

Paradigm shift for Data. 

For the longest time, networked storage technology has been about data sharing, be it blocks, files or objects. The data from these protocols is delivered over the network, mostly over Fibre Channel and/or Ethernet (although I remembered implementing NFS over Asynchronous Transfer Mode at Sarawak Shell in East Malaysia), in a client-server fashion.

By late 2000s onwards, unified storage or multi-protocol storage (where the storage array is able to served all 3 SAN, NAS and S3 services) was all the rage. All the prominent enterprise storage vendors had a solution or two in their solutions portfolio. I started viewing networked storage as a Data Services Platform which I started explaining it in 2017. Within the data services platform, various features revolve around my A.P.P.A.R.M.S.C. framework (I crafted the initial framework in 2000, thanks to Jon Toigo‘s book – The Holy Grail of Data Management). This framework and the approach I used for my consulting and analyst work worked well and is still relevant, even after 25 years.

But AI is changing the data landscape. AI is changing the way data is consumed and processed through the networks between the compute layer and the storage layer. It is indeed, for me, a paradigm shift of data, and the storage layer, better known as AI Data Infrastructure now, is shifting as well. And this shift will accelerate the exponential growth in innovations, with AI and super-charged data leading the way.

DDN Infinia Data Intelligence Platform (screencapture from DDN Beyond Artificial webinar)

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Rethinking Storage OKRs for AI Data Infrastructure – Part 1

[ Preamble: This analysis focuses on my own journey as I incorporate my past experiences into this new market segment called AI Data Infrastructure, and gaining new ones.

There are many elements of HPC (High Performance Computing) at play here. Even though things such as speeds and feeds, features and functions crowd many conversations, as many enterprise storage vendors like to do, these conversations, in my opinion, are secondary. There are more vital and important operational technology and technical elements that an organization has to consider prudently, vis-a-vis to ROIs (returns of investments). They involve asking the hard questions beyond the marketing hype and fluff. I call these elements of consideration Storage Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) for AI Data Infrastructure.

I had to break this blog into 2 parts. It has become TL;DR-ish. This is Part 1 ]

I have just passed my 6-month anniversary with DDN. Coming into the High Performance Storage System (HPSS) market segment, with the strong focus on the distributed parallel filesystem of Lustre®, there was a high learning curve for me. I spend over 3 decades in Enterprise Storage, with some of the highest level of storage technologies there were in that market segment. And I have already developed my own approach to enterprise storage, based on the A.P.P.A.R.M.S.C.. That was already developed and honed from 25 years ago.

The rapid adoption of AI has created a technology paradigm shift. Artificial Intelligence (AI) came in and blurred many lines. It also has been evolving my thinking when it comes to storage for AI. There is also a paradigm shift in my thoughts, opinions and experiences as well.

AI has brought HPSS technologies like Lustre® in DDN EXAscaler platform , proven in the Supercomputing world, to a new realm – the AI Data Infrastructure market segment. On the other side, many enterprise storage vendors aspire to be a supplier to the AI Data Infrastructure opportunities as well. This convergence from the top storage performers for Supercomputing, in the likes of DDN, IBM® (through Storage Scale), HPE® (through Cray, which by-the-way often uses the open-source Lustre® edition in its storage portfolio), from the software-defined storage players in Weka IO, Vast Data, MinIO, and from the enterprise storage array vendors such as NetApp®, Pure Storage®, and Dell®.

[ Note that I take care not to name every storage vendor for AI because many either do OEMs or repacking and rebranding of SDS technology into their gear such as HPE® GreenLake for Files and Hitachi® IQ. You can Google to find out who the original vendors are for each respectively. There are others as well. ]

In these 3 simplified categories (HPSS, SDS, Enterprise Storage Array), I have begun to see a pattern of each calling its technology as an “AI Data Infrastructure”. At the same time, I am also developing a new set of storage conversations for the AI Data Infrastructure market segment, one that is based on OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) rather than just features, features and more features that many SDS and enterprise storage vendors like to tout. Here are a few thoughts that we should look for when end users are considering a high-speed storage solution for their AI journey.

AI Data Infrastructure

GPU is king

In the AI world, the GPU infrastructure is the deity at the altar. The utilization rate of the GPUs is kept at the highest to get the maximum compute infrastructure return-on-investment (ROI). Keeping the GPUs resolutely busy is a must. HPSS is very much part of that ecosystem.

These are a few OKRs I would consider the storage or data infrastructure for AI.

  • Reliability
  • Speed
  • Power Efficiency
  • Security

Let’s look at each one of them from the point of view of a storage practitioner like me.

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Accelerated Data Paths of High Performance Storage is the Cornerstone of building AI

It has been 2 months into my new role at DDN as a Solutions Architect. With many revolving doors around me, I have been trying to find the essence, the critical cog of the data infrastructure that supports the accelerated computing of the Nvidia GPU clusters. The more I read and engage, a pattern emerged. I found that cog in the supercharged data paths between the storage infrastructure systems and the GPU clusters. I will share more.

To set the context, let me start with a wonderful article I read in back in July 2024. It was titled “Storage: The unsung hero of AI deployments“. It was music to my ears because as a long-time practitioner in the storage technology industry, it is time the storage industry gets its credit it deserves.

What is the data path?

To put it simply, a Data Path, from a storage context, is the communication route taken by the data bits between the compute system’s processing and program memory and the storage subsystem. The links and the established sessions can be within the system components such as the PCIe bus or external to the system through the shared networking infrastructure.

High speed accelerated data paths

In the world of accelerated computing such as AI and HPC, there are additional, more advanced technologies to create even faster delivery of the data bits. This is the accelerated data paths between the compute nodes and the storage subsystems. Following on, I share a few of these technologies that are lesser used in the enterprise storage segment.

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Preliminary Data Taxonomy at ingestion. An opportunity for Computational Storage

Data governance has been on my mind a lot lately. With all the incessant talks and hype about Artificial Intelligence, the true value of AI comes from good data. Therefore, it is vital for any organization embarking on their AI journey to have good quality data. And the journey of the lifecycle of data in an organization starts at the point of ingestion, the data source of how data is either created, acquired to be presented up into the processing workflow and data pipelines for AI training and onwards to AI applications.

In biology, taxonomy is the scientific study and practice of naming, defining and classifying biological organisms based on shared characteristics.

And so, begins my argument of meshing these 3 topics together – data ingestion, data taxonomy and with Computational Storage. Here goes my storage punditry.

Data Taxonomy in post-injection 

I see that data, any data, has to arrive at a repository first before they are given meaning, context, specifications. These requirements are different from file permissions, ownerships, ctime and atime timestamps, the content of the ingested data stream are made to fit into the mould of the repository the data is written to. Metadata about the content of the data gives the data meaning, context and most importantly, value as it is used within the data lifecycle. However, the metadata tagging, and preparing the data in the ETL (extract load transform) or the ELT (extract load transform) process are only applied post-ingestion. This data preparation phase, in which data is enriched with content metadata, tagging, taxonomy and classification, is expensive, in term of resources, time and currency.

Elements of a modern event-driven architecture including data ingestion (Credit: Qlik)

Even in the burgeoning times of open table formats (Apache Iceberg, HUDI, Deltalake, et al), open big data file formats (Avro, Parquet) and open data formats (CSV, XML, JSON, the format specifications with added context and meanings are added in and augmented post-injection.

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Deploying a MinIO SNMD Object Storage Server in TrueNAS SCALE

[ Preamble ] This deployment of MinIO SNMD (single node multi drive) object storage server on TrueNAS® SCALE 24.04 (codename “Dragonfish”) is experimental. I am just deploying this in my home lab for the fun of it. Do not deploy in any production environment.

I have been contemplating this for quite a while. Which MinIO deployment mode on TrueNAS® SCALE should I work on? For one, there are 3 modes – Standalone, SNMD (Single Node Multi Drives) and MNMD (Multi Node Multi Drives). Of course, the ideal lab experiment is MNMD deployment, the MinIO cluster, and I am still experimenting this on my meagre lab resources.

In the end, I decided to implement SNMD since this is, most likely, deployed on top of a TrueNAS® SCALE storage appliance instead an x-86 bare-metal or in a Kubernetes cluster on Linux systems. Incidentally, the concept of MNMD on top of TrueNAS® SCALE is “Kubernetes cluster”-like albeit a different container platform. At the same time, if this is deployed in a TrueNAS® SCALE Enterprise, a dual-controller TrueNAS® storage appliance, it will take care of the “MinIO nodes” availability in its active-passive HA architecture of the appliance. Otherwise, it can be a full MinIO cluster spread and distributed across several TrueNAS storage appliances (minimum 4 nodes in a 2+2 erasure set) in an MNMD deployment scheme.

Ideally, the MNMD deployment should look like this:

MinIO distributed multi-node cluster architecture (credit: MinIO)

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Disaggregation and Composability vital for AI/DL models to scale

New generations of applications and workloads like AI/DL (Artificial Intelligence/Deep Learning), and HPC (High Performance Computing) are breaking the seams of entrenched storage infrastructure models and frameworks. We cannot continue to scale-up or scale-out the storage infrastructure to meet these inundating fluctuating I/O demands. It is time to look at another storage architecture type of infrastructure technology – Composable Infrastructure Architecture.

Infrastructure is changing. The previous staid infrastructure architecture parts of compute, network and storage have long been thrown of the window, precipitated by the rise of x86 server virtualization almost 20 years now. It triggered a tsunami of virtualizing everything, including storage virtualization, which eventually found a more current nomenclature – Software Defined Storage. Both storage virtualization and software defined storage (SDS) are similar and yet different and should be revered through different contexts and similar goals. This Tech Target article laid out both nicely.

As virtualization raged on, converged infrastructure (CI) which evolved into hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) went fever pitch for a while. Companies like Maxta, Pivot3, Atlantis, are pretty much gone, with HPE® Simplivity and Cisco® Hyperflex occasionally blipped in my radar. In a market that matured very fast, HCI is now dominated by Nutanix™ and VMware®, with smaller Microsoft®, Dell EMC® following them.

From HCI, the attention of virtualization has shifted something more granular, more scalable in containerization. Despite a degree of complexity, containerization is taking agility and scalability to the next level. Kubernetes, Dockers are now mainstay nomenclature of infrastructure engineers and DevOps. So what is driving composable infrastructure? Have we reached the end of virtualization? Not really.

Evolution of infrastructure. Source: IDC

It is just that one part of the infrastructure landscape is changing. This new generation of AI/ML workloads are flipping the coin to the other side of virtualization. As we see the diagram above, IDC brought this mindset change to get us to Think Composability, the next phase of Infrastructure.

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Project COSI

The S3 (Simple Storage Service) has become a de facto standard for accessing object storage. Many vendors claim 100% compatibility to S3, but from what I know, several file storage services integration and validation with the S3 have revealed otherwise. There are certain nuances that have derailed some of the more advanced integrations. I shall not reveal the ones that I know of, but let us use this thought as a basis of our discussion for Project COSI in this blog.

Project COSI high level architecture

What is Project COSI?

COSI stands for Container Object Storage Interface. It is still an alpha stage project in Kubernetes version 1.25 as of September 2022 whilst the latest version of Kubernetes today is version 1.26. To understand the objectives COSI, one must understand the journey and the challenges of persistent storage for containers and Kubernetes.

For me at least, there have been arduous arguments of provisioning a storage repository that keeps the data persistent (and permanent) after containers in a Kubernetes pod have stopped, or replicated to another cluster. And for now, many storage vendors in the industry have settled with the CSI (container storage interface) framework when it comes to data persistence using file-based and block-based storage. You can find a long list of CSI drivers here.

However, you would think that since object storage is the most native storage to containers and Kubernetes pods, there is already a consistent way to accessing object storage services. From the objectives set out by Project COSI, turns out that there isn’t a standard way to provision and accessing object storage as compared to the CSI framework for file-based and block-based storage. So the COSI objectives were set to:

  • Kubernetes Native – Use the Kubernetes API to provision, configure and manage buckets
  • Self Service – A clear delineation between administration and operations (DevOps) to enable self-service capability for DevOps personnel
  • Portability – Vendor neutrality enabled through portability across Kubernetes Clusters and across Object Storage vendors

Further details describing Project COSI can be found here at the Kubernetes site titled “Introducing COSI: Object Storage Management using Kubernetes API“.

Standardization equals technology adoption

Standardization means consistency, control, confidence. The higher the standardization across the storage and containerized apps industry, the higher the adoption of the technology. And given what I have heard from the industry over these few years, Kubernetes, to me, even till this day, is a platform and a framework that are filled and riddled with so many moving parts. Many of the components looks the same, feels the same, and sounds the same, but might not work out the same when deployed.

Therefore, the COSI standardization work is important and critical to grow this burgeoning segment, especially when we are rocketing towards disaggregation of computing service units, resources that be orchestrated to scale up or down at the execution of codes. Infrastructure-as-Code (IAC) is becoming a reality more and more with each passing day, and object storage is at the heart of this transformation for Kubernetes and containers.

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Object Storage becoming storage lingua franca of Edge-Core-Cloud

Data Fabric was a big buzzword going back several years. I wrote a piece talking about Data Fabric, mostly NetApp®’s,  almost 7 years ago, which I titled “The Transcendence of Data Fabric“. Regardless of storage brands and technology platforms, and each has its own version and interpretations, one thing holds true. There must be a one layer of Data Singularity. But this is easier said than done.

Fast forward to present. The latest buzzword is Edge-to-Core-Cloud or Cloud-to-Core-Edge. The proliferation of Cloud Computing services, has spawned beyond to multiclouds, superclouds and of course, to Edge Computing. Data is reaching to so many premises everywhere, and like water, data has found its way.

Edge-to-Core-to-Cloud (Gratitude thanks to

The question on my mind is can we have a single storage platform to serve the Edge-to-Core-to-Cloud paradigm? Is there a storage technology which can be the seamless singularity of data? 7+ years onwards since my Data Fabric blog, The answer is obvious. Object Storage.

The ubiquitous object storage and the S3 access protocol

For a storage technology that was initially labeled “cheap and deep”, object storage has become immensely popular with developers, cloud storage providers and is fast becoming storage repositories for data connectors. I wrote a piece called “All the Sources and Sinks going to Object Storage” over a month back, which aptly articulate how far this technology has come.

But unknown to many (Google NASD and little is found), object storage started its presence in SNIA (it was developed in Carnegie-Mellon University prior to that) in the early 90s, then known as NASD (network attached secure disk). As it is made its way into the ANSI T10 INCITS standards development, it became known as Object-based Storage Device or OSD.

The introduction of object storage services 16+ years ago by Amazon Web Services (AWS) via their Simple Storage Services (S3) further strengthened the march of object storage, solidified its status as a top tier storage platform. It was to AWS’ genius to put the REST API over HTTP/HTTPS with its game changing approach to use CRUD (create, retrieve, update, delete) operations to work with object storage. Hence the S3 protocol, which has become the de facto access protocol to object storage.

Yes, I wrote those 2 blogs 11 and 9 years ago respectively because I saw that object storage technology was a natural fit to the burgeoning new world of storage computing. It has since come true many times over.

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