The AI Platformization of Storage – The Data Intelligence Platform

The IT industry uses the word “platform” all the time. Often, I find myself shifting between the many jargons circling “platform”, loosely. I am pretty sure many others are doing so as well.

I finally found the word “platformization” giving right vibes in a meaningful way in February last year, when Palo Alto Networks pivoted to platformization. Their stock tumbled that day. Despite the ambiguous definition “platformization” when Palo Alto Networks (PANW) mentioned it, I understood their strategy.

Defence-in-Depth in cybersecurity wasn’t exactly working for many organizations. Cybersecurity point solutions peppered the landscape. There were so many leaks and gaps. Platformization, from the PANW‘s point-of-view, is the reverse C&C (command & control), if you know the cybersecurity speak. PANW wants to take charge all the way for all things cybersecurity, and it made sense to me from a data perspective.

Paradigm shift for Data. 

For the longest time, networked storage technology has been about data sharing, be it blocks, files or objects. The data from these protocols is delivered over the network, mostly over Fibre Channel and/or Ethernet (although I remembered implementing NFS over Asynchronous Transfer Mode at Sarawak Shell in East Malaysia), in a client-server fashion.

By late 2000s onwards, unified storage or multi-protocol storage (where the storage array is able to served all 3 SAN, NAS and S3 services) was all the rage. All the prominent enterprise storage vendors had a solution or two in their solutions portfolio. I started viewing networked storage as a Data Services Platform which I started explaining it in 2017. Within the data services platform, various features revolve around my A.P.P.A.R.M.S.C. framework (I crafted the initial framework in 2000, thanks to Jon Toigo‘s book – The Holy Grail of Data Management). This framework and the approach I used for my consulting and analyst work worked well and is still relevant, even after 25 years.

But AI is changing the data landscape. AI is changing the way data is consumed and processed through the networks between the compute layer and the storage layer. It is indeed, for me, a paradigm shift of data, and the storage layer, better known as AI Data Infrastructure now, is shifting as well. And this shift will accelerate the exponential growth in innovations, with AI and super-charged data leading the way.

DDN Infinia Data Intelligence Platform (screencapture from DDN Beyond Artificial webinar)

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AI and the Data Factory

When I first heard of the word “AI Factory”, the world was blaring Jensen Huang‘s keynote at NVIDIA GTC24. I thought those were cool words, since he mentioned about the raw material of water going into the factory to produce electricity. The analogy was spot on for the AI we are building.

As I engage with many DDN partners and end users in the region, week in, week out, the “AI Factory” word keeps popping into conversations. Yet, many still do not know how to go about building this “AI Factory”. They only know they need to buy GPUs, lots of them. These companies’ AI ambitions are unabated. And IDC predicts that worldwide spending on AI will double by 2028, and yet, the ROI (returns on investment) remains elusive.

At the ground level, based on many conversations so far, the common theme is, the steps to begin building the AI Factory are ambiguous and fuzzy to most. I like to share my views from a data storage point of view. Hence, my take on the Data Factory for AI.

Are you AI-ready?

We have to have a plan but before we take the first step, we must look at where we are standing at the present moment. We know that to train AI, the proverbial step is, we need lots of data. Deep Learning (DL) works with Large Language Models (LLMs), and Generative AI (GenAI), needs tons of data.

If the company knows where they are, they will know which phase is next. So, in the AI Maturity Model (I simplified the diagram below), where is your company now? Are you AI-ready?

Simplified AI Maturity Model

Get the Data Strategy Right

In his interview with CRN, MinIO’s CEO AB Periasamy quoted “For generative AI, they realized that buying more GPUs without a coherent data strategy meant GPUs are going to idle out”. I was struck by his wisdom about having a coherent data strategy because that is absolutely true. This is my starting point. Having the Right Data Strategy.

In the AI world, from a data storage guy, data is the fuel. Data is the raw material that Jensen alluded to, if it was obvious. We have heard this anecdotal quote many times before, even before the AI phenomenon took over. AI is data-driven. Data is vital for the ROI of AI projects. And thus, we must look from the point of the data to make the AI Factory successful.

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Accelerated Data Paths of High Performance Storage is the Cornerstone of building AI

It has been 2 months into my new role at DDN as a Solutions Architect. With many revolving doors around me, I have been trying to find the essence, the critical cog of the data infrastructure that supports the accelerated computing of the Nvidia GPU clusters. The more I read and engage, a pattern emerged. I found that cog in the supercharged data paths between the storage infrastructure systems and the GPU clusters. I will share more.

To set the context, let me start with a wonderful article I read in back in July 2024. It was titled “Storage: The unsung hero of AI deployments“. It was music to my ears because as a long-time practitioner in the storage technology industry, it is time the storage industry gets its credit it deserves.

What is the data path?

To put it simply, a Data Path, from a storage context, is the communication route taken by the data bits between the compute system’s processing and program memory and the storage subsystem. The links and the established sessions can be within the system components such as the PCIe bus or external to the system through the shared networking infrastructure.

High speed accelerated data paths

In the world of accelerated computing such as AI and HPC, there are additional, more advanced technologies to create even faster delivery of the data bits. This is the accelerated data paths between the compute nodes and the storage subsystems. Following on, I share a few of these technologies that are lesser used in the enterprise storage segment.

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The All-Important Storage Appliance Mindset for HPC and AI projects

I am strong believer of using the right tool to do the job right. I have said this before 2 years ago, in my blog “Stating the case for a Storage Appliance approach“. It was written when I was previously working for an open source storage company. And I am an advocate of the crafter versus assembler mindset, especially in the enterprise and high- performance storage technology segments.

I have joined DDN. Even with DDN that same mindset does not change a bit. I have been saying all along that the storage appliance model should always be the mindset for the businesses’ peace-of-mind.

My view of the storage appliance model began almost 25 years. I came into NAS systems world via Sun Microsystems®. Sun was famous for running NFS servers on general Sun Solaris servers. NFS services on Unix systems. Back then, I remember arguing with one of the Sun distributors about the tenets of running NFS over 100Mbit/sec Ethernet on Sun servers. I was drinking Sun’s Kool-Aid big time.

When I joined Network Appliance® (now NetApp®) in 2000, my worldview of putting software on general purpose servers changed. Network Appliance®, had one product family, the FAS700 (720, 740, 760) family. All NetApp® did was to serve NFS services in the beginning. They were the NAS filers and nothing else.

I was completed sold on the appliance way with NetApp®. Firstly, it was my very first time knowing such network storage services could be provisioned with an appliance concept. This was different from Sun. I was used to managing NFS exports on a Sun SPARCstation 20 to Unix clients in the network.

Secondly, my mindset began to shape that “you have to have the right tool to the job correctly and extremely well“. Well, the toaster toasts bread very well and nothing else. And the fridge (an analogy used by Dave Hitz, I think) does what it does very well too. That is what the appliance does. You definitely cannot grill a steak with a bread toaster, just like you can’t run an excellent, ultra-high performance storage services to serve the demanding AI and HPC applications on a general server platform. You have to have a storage appliance solution for High-Speed Storage.

That little Network Appliance® toaster award given out to exemplary employees stood vividly in my mind. The NetApp® tagline back then was “Fast, Simple, Reliable”. That solidifies my mindset for the high-speed storage in AI and HPC projects in present times.

DDN AI400X2 Turbo Appliance

Costs Benefits and Risks

I like to think about what the end users are thinking about. There are investments costs involved, and along with it, risks to the investments as well as their benefits. Let’s just simplify and lump them into Cost-Benefits-Risk analysis triangle. These variables come into play in the decision making of AI and HPC projects.

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I built a 6-node Gluster cluster with TrueNAS SCALE

I haven’t had hands-on with Gluster for over a decade. My last blog about Gluster was in 2011, right after I did a proof-of-concept for the now defunct, Jaring, Malaysia’s first ISP (Internet Service Provider). But I followed Gluster’s development on and off, until I found out that Gluster was a feature in then upcoming TrueNAS® SCALE. That was almost 2 years ago, just before I accepted to offer to join iXsystems™, my present employer.

The eagerness to test drive Gluster (again) on TrueNAS® SCALE has always been there but I waited for SCALE to become GA. GA finally came on February 22, 2022. My plans for the test rig was laid out, and in the past few weeks, I have been diligently re-learning and putting up the scope to built a 6-node Gluster clustered storage with TrueNAS® SCALE VMs on Virtualbox®.

Gluster on OpenZFS with TrueNAS SCALE

Before we continue, I must warn that this is not pretty. I have limited computing resources in my homelab, but Gluster worked beautifully once I ironed out the inefficiencies. Secondly, this is not a performance test as well, for obvious reasons. So, this is the annals along with the trials and tribulations of my 6-node Gluster cluster test rig on TrueNAS® SCALE.

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Storage IO straight to GPU

The parallel processing power of the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) cannot be denied. One year ago, nVidia® overtook Intel® in market capitalization. And today, they have doubled their market cap lead over Intel®,  [as of July 2, 2021] USD$510.53 billion vs USD$229.19 billion.

Thus it is not surprising that storage architectures are changing from the CPU-centric paradigm to take advantage of the burgeoning prowess of the GPU. And 2 announcements in the storage news in recent weeks have caught my attention – Windows 11 DirectStorage API and nVidia® Magnum IO GPUDirect® Storage.

nVidia GPU

Exciting the gamers

The Windows DirectStorage API feature is only available in Windows 11. It was announced as part of the Xbox® Velocity Architecture last year to take advantage of the high I/O capability of modern day NVMe SSDs. DirectStorage-enabled applications and games have several technologies such as D3D Direct3D decompression/compression algorithm designed for the GPU, and SFS Sampler Feedback Streaming that uses the previous rendered frame results to decide which higher resolution texture frames to be loaded into memory of the GPU and rendered for the real-time gaming experience.

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Is Software Defined right for Storage?

George Herbert Leigh Mallory, mountaineer extraordinaire, was once asked “Why did you want to climb Mount Everest?“, in which he replied “Because it’s there“. That retort demonstrated the indomitable human spirit and probably exemplified best the relationship between the human being’s desire to conquer the physical limits of nature. The software of humanity versus the hardware of the planet Earth.

Juxtaposing, similarities can be said between software and hardware in computer systems, in storage technology per se. In it, there are a few schools of thoughts when it comes to delivering storage services with the notable ones being the storage appliance model and the software-defined storage model.

There are arguments, of course. Some are genuinely partisan but many a times, these arguments come in the form of the flavour of the moment. I have experienced in my past companies touting the storage appliance model very strongly in the beginning, and only to be switching to a “software company” chorus years after that. That was what I meant about the “flavour of the moment”.

Software Defined Storage

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A Paean to NFS

It is certainly encouraging to see both NAS protocols, NFS and SMB, featured well in the latest VMware® vSAN 7 Update 1 release. The NFS v3 and v4.1 support was already in vSAN 7.0 when it was earlier announced as part of its Native File Services for vSAN. But some years ago, NFS was not always the primary storage protocol of choice. SAN protocols, Fibre Channel and iSCSI, were almost always designated to serve enterprise applications. At the client side, Windows became prominent, and the SMB/CIFS protocol dominated the landscape of the desktop. This further pushed NFS into the back closet.

NFS or Network File System has its naysayers. The venerable, but often maligned distributed network file protocol is 36 years today. In storage vendors such as NetApp®, VAST Data, Pure Storage FlashBlade, and Dell EMC Isilon, NFS is still positioned as the primary file protocol for manufacturing testers on the shop floor, EDA/eCAD applications, seismic and subsurface applications in Oil & Gas and many more. In another development, just like its presence in the vSAN Native Services,, NFS has also quietly embedded itself into many storage platforms to serve the data platform services within the respective framework itself.

And I have experienced NFS from the client side to the enterprise applications and more, and I take this opportunity to pay tribute.

NFS (Network File System) client server network

NFS (Network File System) client server network

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Open Source and Open Standards open the Future

[Disclosure: I was invited by GestaltIT as a delegate to their Storage Field Day 19 event from Jan 22-24, 2020 in the Silicon Valley USA. My expenses, travel, accommodation and conference fees were covered by GestaltIT, the organizer and I was not obligated to blog or promote the vendors’ technologies to be presented at this event. The content of this blog is of my own opinions and views]

Western Digital dived into Storage Field Day 19 in full force as they did in Storage Field Day 18. A series of high impact presentations, each curated for the diverse requirements of the audience. Several open source initiatives were shared, all open standards to address present inefficiencies and designed and developed for a greater future.

Zoned Storage

One of the initiatives is to increase the efficiencies around SMR and SSD zoning capabilities and removing the complexities and overlaps of both mediums. This is the Zoned Storage initiatives a technical working proposal to the existing NVMe standards. The resulting outcome will give applications in the user space more control on the placement of data blocks on zone aware devices and zoned SSDs, collectively as Zoned Block Device (ZBD). The implementation in the Linux user and kernel space is shown below:

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